Who We Are
As a chapter of the Climate Reality Project, our mission is to catalyze a global solution to the climate crisis by making urgent action a necessity across every level of society, starting right here in our hometown of Los Angeles. We are united in our dedication to accelerating a just transition to green energy and a sustainable future.
Established in 2017, Los Angeles Climate Reality Project is the largest of the more than 100 chapters of the Climate Reality Project, with over 1,500 members. We are everyday citizens, teachers, scientists, activists, artists, storytellers – an all volunteer army of people who are working to EDUCATE on the truth of climate change and ACTIVATE around how we solve it – right here where we live, work and play. Everyone is welcome to get involved! While many LA Climate Reality members are certified Climate Leaders who have completed a Climate Reality Leadership Corps training, some members are simply folks who are passionate to effect change. Click here to join!
los angeles chapter
Chair Charles Miller and Vice-Chair Andy Hattala
Committees & Initiatives
LA Climate Reality’s leadership also includes the committee chairs who spearhead initiatives aimed at specific areas of the climate crisis or aspects benefiting the chapter itself. Visit a committee page or use our contact form to learn more or join a committee.
chapter committees (Click on links for more info)
Biodiversity & Ecosystems: Charles Miller
Climate Curricula: Lucy Garcia & Patty Kestin
Green Buildings: Michael Rochmes
Legislative & Policy: Andrew Ellis
Marketing & Communications: Ashleigh Dawson & Michael Rochmes
Youth Climate Action Network: Francesca Mills
Ad Hoc & Special Committees
Climate Solutions Careers: Eugenie Lewis
Faith Based Communities: William Morris
Climate Presentations
One of the primary goals of the Climate Reality Project is to train Climate Leaders to give presentations about the reality of climate change — the science behind it, the causes of it, the dangers it poses both locally and globally to the people and places we care about, and the solutions.