The Faith Based Communities Committee endeavors to form connections with faith communities of all denominations throughout the Los Angeles Area. By doing so, the committee aims to build a community in Los Angeles that fights the climate crisis as a moral issue and takes action to transform ourselves, our places of worship, and our society to protect our shared home.
We help organize Multifaith Climate Cafe, a space for Faith Leaders and Clergy to get together to share experiences, and engage a discussion, with a short presentation & Q&A, around the subject of climate change, climate effects and climate solutions—hope!
This committee meets on an ad hoc, as needed basis. Do you belong to a faith community that would be interested in a dialogue about our changing climate? Reach out to us using the form below to get involved!
William Morris, Chair, Faith Based Communities Committee
William Morris (he/him) is a climate activist located by a refinery in Torrance, CA. He holds his degree in environmental science with an emphasis on ecological restoration and a minor in watershed management from Humboldt State University.
William is a Faith Organizer with GreenFaith working on the People vs. Fossil Fuels campaign. He also works with Young Evangelicals for Climate Action (YECA) serving first as a field organizer and is now Chair of the steering committee.
William sits on the steering committee of California Interfaith Power and Light, is founder and chair of the creation care committee at Faith United Methodist Church, is part of the leadership team with Faiths4Future, and a member of the board at Circle Faith Future.
William also has worked with faith organizations abroad spending time in Kenya, Chad, and Indonesia. He spends his time engaging with faith communities, schools, universities, and organizations around the topics of faith-based climate justice and education. His work has been featured in Rolling Stone Magazine, ABC News, and the BBC.