Join The Campaign For Zero-Emission Appliance Standards at AQMD

The South Coast AQMD is considering strengthening its gas water heater and gas furnace emission rules to set a zero-emission standard. The goal of this change is to reduce local air pollution. Essentially, this would mean that no new gas-powered water heaters or furnaces would be allowed to be sold in the region. This is only for new installations. Existing appliances can be used until they no longer function.

We are part of a coalition that supports this step as a way to improve our local air quality and reduce our region’s greenhouse gas emissions. To learn more, check out this recent policy brief about the zero-emission appliance proposal, from Coalition for Clean Air and RMI.

At its most recent board meeting, AQMD decided to postpone a vote on the rules until May. This is the third delay of these important rules. We will continue to push AQMD to move forward with its obligation to put in place policies that will help bring our region’s air into compliance with federal air quality standards. You can help by joining our campaign using the form below.

WEBINAR About The South Coast AQMD Proposal

In this webinar, recorded on January 14, 2025, staff at South Coast AQMD joined the USGBC-CA Building Decarbonization Committee to discuss the proposal, as well as the new Go Zero incentive program that will provide financial support to home owners, apartment building owners, and small businesses who upgrade to heat pumps.

Join the Campaign for Clean Air at AQMD!