New Initiative: The Urban Agriculture Network

The LA and San Fernando Valley chapters of Climate Reality launched the Urban Agriculture Network as a new nationwide group to promote urban farming and gardening as a climate solution. Please click here to learn more and get involved.


For Restaurants: 7 reasons to add plant-based options to your menu PDF

Food Committee

Our food system is responsible, in large part, for climate change - from the fossil fuels used in the processing, packaging and transport, to deforestation and destructive agricultural practices, to food waste, factory farming, soil erosion, and the perpetuation of nutrient-deplete, GMO-laden mono-crops that fuel disease.

Though food is a major problem, it can also be an excellent solution. We must, we can, and we will drive change across the board to a just system that supports both the health of the planet and the health of its people.

We meet the last Wednesday of the month via Zoom. Click here to register.


Cindy Cotter

Cindy Cotter, Co-Chair, Food Committee

Cindy Cotter

Cindy Cotter is an urban agriculture advocate who believes that growing food in the right way, in the right place, can reduce climate harm, support climate recovery, and strengthen community resilience. Her work extends beyond cultivation to broader food system issues, including land and water access, zoning and regulations, technical support, market development, and consumer engagement. She is also passionate about home gardens, beekeeping, and backyard chickens as part of a sustainable urban food system.

She's completed soil advocate training with Kiss the Ground and studied urban agriculture for planners through the Cornell Small Farms Program. She's an active member of both the San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles chapters of Climate Reality and represents them on the Los Angeles Food Policy Council's Regenerative and Urban Agriculture Working Group. She also chairs the Urban Agriculture Network, a national initiative connecting Climate Reality chapters with each other and with other organizations and individuals working to advance urban agriculture.

Tatjana Kudla, Co-Chair, Food Committee

Tatjana Kudla

Tatjana Kudla is a certified UC Climate Steward and California Naturalist committed to environmental stewardship. She has collaborated with mission-driven organizations on conservation initiatives, including the establishment of the Chuckwalla National Monument.

As Co-Chair of the Food Committee, she focuses on strengthening community resilience through sustainable food systems and food waste reduction.

With a background in marketing, Tatjana has led digital marketing teams across multinational corporations and startups, driving growth through strategic and data-driven initiatives.