Urban Agriculture Network

Los Angeles Climate Reality Project and San Fernando Valley Climate Reality are kicking off the Urban Agriculture Network as a new nationwide group to promote urban agriculture as a climate solution.

The Network will include Climate Reality Project chapters in cities across the United States, as well as people outside of Climate Reality -- farmers, other food system people, gardeners, and environmentalists. With your help, we hope to build a space for relationship-building, information exchange, and sparking new projects.   

What is Urban Agriculture?

We have a broad definition of urban agriculture and we plan to discuss the following topics in our meetings:

  •  Farms, community gardens, backyard chickens, bee-keeping, scratch cooking and controlled-environment agriculture.

  • Food hubs, farm-to-school programs and food banks.

  • City and county zoning issues and climate plans.

  • Partnering with environmental groups on land use questions, flood control, biodiversity and the health of our rivers and coastlines.

  • Working with food policy councils on food hubs, food banks, and food deserts.

  • Working with the USDA to bring up their new urban service centers and reach our local farmers with technical assistance, loans, and grants.

Join The Network

Join the Urban Agriculture Network by attending our next call or by filling out the form below.

Next Meeting: Launch Call

Date: Friday, January 24

Time: 5pm Eastern / 2pm Pacific
Zoom: Click here to join

Meeting ID: 864 5925 2752
Passcode: 770910

The topic is city farming -- that includes community gardens, backyard chickens, bee-keeping, stormwater management, controlled-environment agriculture and a host of local policy considerations -- zoning, city climate plans, county agriculture plans, etc. We'll talk about what we're all doing, what problems we've run into, what solutions we've found, and where we're headed.

Sign Up for Updates

Resources and Links

Urban agriculture resources and links coming soon!