
Contact your elected officials and ask them to vote yes on these important bills.

Contact your State Senators now and ask them to vote YES on these bills. These bills have passed the State Assembly and this is our FINAL chance to ensure they're considered for passage this legislative session. They all have the potential to strengthen and improve our communities in the face of climate change. Every call, letter, and email counts!

To look up your representative, click here: http://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/

AB-1384: Resiliency Through Adaptation, Economic Vitality, and Equity Act of 2022
Committee hearing date: 08/16/21
This bill puts into immediate action the Safeguarding California Plan and other adaptive frameworks to decrease climate caused human collateral, coastal property damages, potential droughts and mega-floods that will cost an estimated $100 billion each year by 2050.

AB-1395: The California Climate Crisis Act
Committee hearing date: 08/16/21
This bill promises to enact a broad suite of solutions, including substantial fossil fuel emission reductions, carbon capture and storage technologies, carbon dioxide removal technologies, and nature-based climate solutions, to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions in California.

AB-284: California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: Climate Goal: Natural and Working Lands
Committee hearing date: 08/16/21
This bill will protect and look to the state's natural and working landscapes, landowners, land managers, Native American tribes, and local governments to facilitate implementation of activities that sequester carbon, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and enable access to markets and incentives. It will also extend protection of vulnerable communities against climate change impacts, the enhancement of water and air quality, climate resilience, public health, jobs, species habitat, public access to recreation and emissions reduction in other sectors, such as transportation.

AB-1346: Air Pollution: Small Off-Road Engines
Committee hearing date: 08/16/21
This bill would require the state board to adopt cost-effective and technologically feasible regulations to prohibit engine exhaust and evaporative emissions from new small off-road engines (SORE) including lawn and garden equipment. SORE emit high levels of air pollutants, including oxides of nitrogen (NOx), reactive organic gases (ROG), and particulate matter (PM). NOx and ROG together contribute to formation of ozone, a criteria pollutant with a national ambient air quality standard set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) and a California ambient air quality standard and that has adverse impacts on health.

AB-1147: Regional Transportation Plan: Active Transportation Program
Committee hearing date: 08/23/21
In order to ensure that each city and county achieves greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, this bill will require each city and county to submit a strategic report that describes the actions taken towards (and identifies barriers to) implementing said strategies to the region's metropolitan planning organization.

AB-962: California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act: Returnable Beverage Containers
Suspended; constituents must tell their state senators to bring it to the floor for a vote and to support it.
This bill paves the way for returnable beverage bottle systems in California. This measure allows returnable (“refillable”) glass bottles to be preserved, washed and refilled by beverage producers like breweries, rather than crushed and recycled. The measure creates jobs, reduces glass waste, and encourages glass bottle use over plastic bottle use.

Find out more about the bills here: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/home.xhtml