The Zero Waste and Plastic Pollution Reduction Committees from the Climate Reality Los Angeles Chapter are campaigning for social-ecological awareness in reducing found plastic disposable masks on the ground, pavement, dirt trails, and beaches. As of today, will you pledge to do at least three of the following?
Avoid purchasing a single-use disposable mask (save money!!)
Create wardrobe options of reusable masks to change often throughout each day
Buy coffee/carbon filter insert for my reusable mask pocket as protection (even though it is disposable)
Leave the N95 masks for essential workers
Pick up plastic pollution safely from the ground (promote visual outdoor hygiene)
Use soap and water often for hygiene instead of plastic gloves
Take the COVID vaccine if Dr. Fauci gives the go ahead
Contact Climate Reality Project Los Angeles to sign up for free and personalized advice in our live social media handle(s) on how to switch out single-use plastic from your home and/or office
Support small business by purchasing a reusable mask
Thank you for your commitment to nurture our sacred environments.
To digitally “sign” the pledge, please enter your information below.