Our mission, as a chapter of the Climate Reality Project is “to catalyze a global solution to the climate crisis by making urgent action a necessity across every level of society,” starting right here in our hometown city of Los Angeles. We are united in our dedication to accelerating a just transition to green energy and a sustainable future.


Established in 2017, Climate Reality Los Angeles is the largest of the more than 100 chapters of the Climate Reality Project, with over 700 members. We are everyday citizens, teachers, scientists, activists, artists, storytellers – an all volunteer army of people who are working to EDUCATE on the truth of climate change and ACTIVATE around how we solve it – right here where we live, work and play. Many Climate Reality LA members are certified Climate Leaders who have completed an official Climate Reality Project Leadership Corps training session. However, everyone is welcome and invited to get involved.



Co-Chair: Jeffrey Drongowski, jeff@drongophoto.com

Co-Chair: Michael Zelniker, aionpic@gmail.com



Climate Reality LA’s leadership also includes a robust list of committee chairs who spearhead efforts to benefit the chapter itself or initiatives aimed at specific aspects of the climate crisis. Please feel free to take a look and email the chairs in the areas of interest to you. You are welcome to join any of the teams.


100% Committed Campaign: Sybil Azur

Rainforest Protection: Nancie Pike

Wetlands Protection: Molly Basler

Faith Based Communities: William Morris

Workforce Development: Kameale Christinia Terry

Youth Engagement: Calum Worthy

Food: Shana Thom

Air Quality: Robin Streichler

Plastic Pollution Reduction: Lendi Slover & Diego Johansen

Zero Waste: Tara Barauskas & Karla Reinhard

Business Working Group: Andrew Ellis


Speaker Training: Carol Kravetz

Legislative/Citizen's Activist: Andy Hattala

Marketing & Communications: Elease Lui Stemp & Matt Almos

M&C Design Sub-Committee: Lois Keller

LA Chapter Liaison: Diana Weynand