Will California Kill Rooftop Solar?
CPUC Decision Delayed to February
Take Action Now: call Gov Newsom and give public comment on the 27th
Karen Nelson, Co-Chair, Climate Reality: Silicon Valley
Thanks to thousands of California solar rights activists like you, from hundreds of other organizations throughout the State, we've gotten the Governor's and the California Public Utilities Commission's attention that the CPUC rule changes suggested by PG&E and other utilities are extremely detrimental to clean energy and the climate. Issue Backgrounder Here
The Net Energy Metering (NEM) rule adoption was originally included in the January 27th CPUC agenda.
However, the Governor publicly announced that he wants to see changes to the proposal, so the CPUC decision was postponed and will likely be scheduled on either February 10th or 24th.
Now is the time to keep the pressure up.
The Save California Solar campaign poses these questions to explain what is at stake:
“Will they reject a solar tax of any kind? Will they set the net metering credit to a level that lets more working- and middle-class households afford solar & batteries? Will they preserve the state's commitment to honor existing solar investments for 20 years? Will they strengthen net metering to supercharge solar access among working communities and renters?
Or will they make little changes around the edges of the CPUC's disaster of a proposal that will make it impossible for most working- and middle-class people to afford solar, and hand the utilities their prized victory?”
Here’s how you can take action.
[1] Continue to call Governor Newsom's office
Please call Governor Newsom's office today at this number: (916) 445-2841. His phone lines are open Monday - Friday from 9-5. Sometimes his phone lines will be overwhelmed, so be persistent.
Here's a sample script you can use and modify as you prefer.
"My name is ___ and I live in ____. I expect Governor Newsom to take a stand against the rooftop Net Energy Metering Solar rules changes that create a huge financial burden for middle and working class people. I see this issue as a test for Governor Newsom's commitment to addressing inappropriate energy rate hikes, protecting the effectiveness of our energy grid and maintaining the State's commitment to our climate emission control targets. He must side with the people of California, not the profit focused utilities. Thank you for listening."
[2] Send an online message to Governor Newsom through his message portal
This portal can be found at: https://govapps.gov.ca.gov/gov40mail/
You can use the sample script above intact or modified.
Or if you prefer to use your social media account, post a message. Here's a sample:
California should not charge a rooftop solar monthly penalty fee and reduce generation credits for solar panels on rooftops. @GavinNewsom we need you to #SaveSolar.
[3] Make a public comment at the CPUC meeting next Thursday, January 27th.
Please consider making a public statement to the CPUC at their next meeting on Thursday, January 27. The public comment period is held at the start of the meeting, and you will need to dial in prior to 10 am on the 27th to get into the comment queue. Instructions for dialing into the meeting are included below.
Preparing Your Comment
Here is a one-pager with suggested talking points and background info. SAVE CALIFORNIA SOLAR is hosting a short Zoom prep session the evening before the CPUC meeting, at 6pm on Wednesday 1/26. They will run through background, take questions, and give tips for making an effective public comment.
Instructions for dialing into the CPUC meeting
Call: 1-800-857-1917, passcode: 9899501# (Spanish speakers: 1-800-857-1917, passcode: 3799627#)
To make a public comment during the public comment period, press *1 (star one) when you wish to speak to be placed in a queue by the operator.
Once you press *1 you will be prompted to state your name and/or organization. After that, you may hear the operator prompt you for the info again, but if you have done it once, you should be good to go.
Wait times may be lengthy depending on the number of speakers. Participants will be placed on mute in “listen-only” mode until the public comment portion of the meeting.
To make a comment, you must join via the phone line. To also watch while you are on hold: also go to www.adminmonitor.com/ca/cpuc. For captions, after clicking on the name of the meeting, click the green button below the video for captions. Then select captions by clicking on the white icon next to the word “live” at the bottom of the video.
These instructions can also be found HERE.
If you experience difficulty calling into the Public Comment line, please send an email to VotingMeetingHelp@cpuc.ca.gov or call (415) 703-5263.
Thank you for taking action!