

The Rainforest Protection Committee aims to raise awareness about how we can help stop deforestation and live sustainably. We will do this by supporting current rainforest protection campaigns by asking our members to sign petitions, boycott products, and/or attend demonstrations. To get started here are 10 things you can do: https://rainforestfoundation.org/engage/10-things-you-can-do/

For more information or on how to get involved, please email laclimatereality@gmail.com.


B Shores, Rainforest Protection Chair.

B Shores, Rainforest Protection Chair.

B Shores

I grew up on an organic vegetable farm and attended alternative schools as a young person, which is where I began my love of nature. I didn’t begin my environmental activism until high school where I was voted “most likely to end up on a Green Peace ship.” I continued my activism into college where I formed my school’s first Student Environmental Action Coalition club. I went on to protest the removal of the last 3% of the old growth forest in Northern California where I eventually graduated from Humboldt State University with my degree in Biology. I later became a science teacher in Los Angeles and have continued for the last 21 years. I have been a member of Climate Reality LA since 2018, after I was trained with Al Gore at the Los Angeles Convention Center. In addition, I have been a fan of An Inconvenient Truth since 2006 and have been showing it to my students each year. After joining Climate Reality LA, I have been involved with the 100% Committed Campaign, the Youth Action group, and the Climate Curricula committee and am currently involved with the Rainforest Protection committee.