Public Comment 101: request for member stories to publish and share in chapter


At the August 29, 2021 Chapter Call by 5:30pm PST, there will be a 40-minute workshop about the various democratic processes that come with making public comments either in writing or vocally to a nonprofit board, elected legislator/official or city committee. Several chapter members have come together with determination to put this into the works.

We are also generating a Public Commentary 101 PDF resource to distribute for our chapter members. It will include true stories by members who have gone through various processes along with wise tips to share for those who are new to the public commentary experience.

Therefore, if you have experience with public comments, would you please email your story to Jamie Perlman at by 8/1/21? Feel free to submit in your preferred expressive outlet (i.g. written format, podcast, audio recording, video recording, etc).

Several thoughts to consider when compiling your story is to cover lessons learned that you did not know before, what worked, and what tips you have for a member who would be new to public comment. What feelings did you manage as you went through public comment? How ought members prepare and execute? Be sure to share about the democratic process for the type of public comment you did.

Thank you.