The Los Angeles Chapter Liaison aims to bring together actions and activities between Climate Reality chapters in our area and other climate organizations. The LA Chapter values partnerships and believes that we can do more together than if we stand alone. If you would like to be involved in this effort, please reach out to SFVclimatereality@gmail.com.
David Marrett, LA Chapter Liaison
David Marrett
David is a lifelong outdoorsman and conservationist, from New York State. From a young age outdoor adventure stories set in the Rockies, and the Far North spoke loudly to him. He studied Natural Resource Conservation and Geology in Missoula becoming a Field Soil Scientist in the Northern Rockies. He continued studying soils at UW in Seattle with field research in Arctic Alaska. He studied soil-landscapes, and wetlands throughout the US for many years before transitioning to full time teaching at the high school level. He advised the Earth Club and taught Environmental Science, Earth Science and Chemistry for many years. Climate change has been a concern of his for over four decades. It turns out that advising the Earth Club was the best preparation for becoming the passionate Climate Activist he is today. David is still an educator, conservationist and outdoorsman, but now leaves things like climbing, backcountry skiing, and whitewater to his sons. Hiking and flatwater canoeing are more his current speed.