UPDATE: ongoing enrollment year-round

Cool Block leaders lead their neighborhood or apartment complex through a 5-month program. ⁠

The program provides a book which leaders use to guide their neighbors' activities. Each chapter of the book covers emergency preparedness, water conservation, energy efficiency, or waste reduction, and has a menu of items each individual can choose from to work on. ⁠

⁠Be one of our Cool Block leaders. For more info on the Cool Block program, check out this link, https://coolblock.org

⁠After that, you can be as involved as you'd like in expanding the Cool Blocks network for the next round, which aims to get LA to be carbon neutral without offsets by 2030.⁠

Are you interested in being one of our Cool Block leaders from the Los Angeles Chapter? If so, please let us know at laclimatereality@gmail.com.

Hear Andy Hattala, Climate Reality Los Angeles Chapter Co-chair, talk about the usefulness of participating in the Cool Block Program.

Attend a virtual cafe to learn more at ncsa.la/events

Join in one of the most important initiatives imaginable. We know about the worsening megadrought, massive wildfires, widespread flood events and megastorms, all part of the climate crisis, and we know that government alone isn’t going to get us out of this.

All hands on deck are required, and this partnership with the City of Los Angeles is a special opportunity to make a difference together. Great news that the City of Los Angeles has been named one of the finalists in the Cool City Challenge (CCC) competition!

The Empowerment Institute, which developed and is sponsoring the CCC, loved the Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance(NCSA) application (100 pages!) and told NCSA that if they can complete recruitment of 200 Cool Block Leaders by October 22, they will be accepted as one of the Cool City Challenge cities and receive the $1 million in funding and campaign support to develop an implementation plan to a carbon-neutral Los Angeles by 2030.

Featuring: David Gershon, Annette and Paul Isaacson, Julan Chu, Samuel Hailu, Monica Casabella, James and Jack Reichmuth

See the full list of reasons why Andy Hattala, our Chapter co-chair, has applied to be a Cool Block Leader.  He advocates others apply/participate.  

Chapter co-chair, Tara Barauskas, also signed up to be a Cool Block leader. She believes that building community will build resiliency and give us more opportunity to connect with people around climate change solutions. Please join Climate Reality members in becoming a Cool Block leader! It's not a huge time commitment, but will make a big difference in our region.

Learn more from trained Climate Reality Project Leader, Lisa Hart, who is also a NCSA Steering Board Member in this 11-minute video.