Governor Newsom Signs Bills Addressing Oil and Gas Drilling
California Governor Gavin Newsom signed three very impactful California Assembly Bills addressing oil and gas operations in the state on Wednesday, September 25, 2024. The bills are:
AB 3233 (Addis) Local Authority Over Oil and Gas Operations
AB 1866 (Hart) Capping Idle Oil Wells
AB 2716 (Bryan) Banning Low Production Wells in Baldwin Hills
These bills collectively aim to reduce carbon emissions by limiting new fossil fuel developments, ensuring proper decommissioning of idle wells, and targeting pollution from existing oil fields. This comprehensive approach supports California’s broader climate goals and helps mitigate global warming.
Governor Newsom speaking at the bill signing ceremony, adjacent to the Inglewood oil field, with County Supervisor Holly Mitchell, Asm. Gregg Hart, and Dr. Ilan Shapiro [screen capture from YouTube livestream].
All of us on the LA Chapter Legislative Committee (LALC) have been advocating for the passage of these bills since their inception and we are so proud to see them cross the finish line and signed into law by the Governor. We’d like to take a moment and acknowledge all the hard work of our Legislative Team for their dedication and perseverance. We’d also like to acknowledge our partner Climate Reality chapters the the CALIFORNIA COALITION OF CLIMATE REALITY CHAPTERS and all our allied partner organizations who provided information, guidance and direction. We are indebted and grateful to each of them.
Legislative Summary:
AB 3233: Local Control, will provide cities and counties with greater authority to impose restrictions on gas operations. Authored by Assemblymember Dawn Addis (D-Morro Bay), the legislation affirms local governments’ right to prohibit new oil and gas operations in the their communities. Its impact is likely to reduce new oil and gas infrastructure, decrease air pollution and associated health risks, reduce environmental justice disparities, and support the state’s climate goals.
AB 1866: Capping Idle Wells, authored by Assemblymember Gregg Hart, increases fees on idle oil and gas wells and enforces stricter regulations designed to safely plug the wells to prevent leaks and contamination. The law applies to idle wells that are no longer in active use but have not been properly decommissioned. Its impact is likely to reduce methane emissions from idle wells, reduce long-term environmental hazards including soil and water contamination, and hold oil companies accountable for environmental impacts.
AB 2716: Low-Production Oil Well Bans in Baldwin Hills Conservancy, will curtail the operation of low-production oil and gas wells in an oil field in the Baldwin Hills Conservancy. A $10,000 per month fine would be imposed on the well until they are plugged and abandoned. That money will fund community projects, like the creation of parks, according to a news release from the governor's office. Authored by Assemblymember Isaac Bryan (D-Inglewood), AB 2716 will reduce methane and other emissions from one of the largest urban oil fields in the state, decrease health risks for nearby residents, and align with long-term goals to end oil drilling at the Inglewood Oil Field.
On behalf of the LA Chapter Leadership Team - please accept our deepest gratitude for all your hard work in seeing these important oil and gas legislative initiatives turned into law. For those who wish to know more information on the potential impacts of this important legislation, please click (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7). We're looking forward to a productive 2025 Legislative Session year and working with all of you.
- Best wishes, Andrew Ellis and Andy Hattala: Los Angeles Chapter Legislative Committee Co-Chairs