May ‘23 Chapter Call
Sunday, May 21, 2023
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Stream the video from our May 2023 chapter meeting below.
Our guest was Rosalind Helfand, an environmental and social policy advisor who co-founded the California Global Biodiversity Working Group. The CGBWG is a multi-stakeholder statewide partnership founded in 2020 to first advocate for and later support the state’s subnational government leadership with the UN Convention on Biological Diversity. The CGBWG’s work to unite local and global efforts to equitably protect and restore ecosystems led to an extended delegation of nearly 50 Californians attending COP15 in December 2022, where a number of bold commitments were made for global collaboration as well as furthering our biodiversity and climate action at home.
LA Climate Reality May 2023 chapter meeting guest speaker Rosalind Helfand
Rosalind currently consults for UN Women as Thematic Lead of their Feminist Action for Climate Justice Action Coalition. This coalition unites over 170 organizations, governments, and businesses from across sectors and communities worldwide under a set of goals aimed at enabling a green economic transition.
Rosalind also shared about her recent work to create the Global Green Recovery Collaborative platform. And for a change of pace, the science fiction writing competitions she helped introduce, the Omega Sci-Fi Awards.