November ‘23 Chapter Call with Ed Begley, Jr.
Sunday, November 26
7pm Via Zoom
Stream the video from our November chapter call below.
Our November chapter meeting featured an interview with actor and environmentalist Ed Begley, Jr.
Ed Begley, Jr. has moved easily between feature, television, and theater projects. Among many feature films, Ed has been seen in Amsterdam and a number of Christopher Guest films, such as Best In Show. He has also had recurring roles on Six Feet Under, Arrested Development, and Portlandia.
Turning up at Hollywood events on his bicycle, Ed has been considered an environmental leader in the Hollywood community for many years. He serves on the boards of The Coalition For Clean Air and The Thoreau Institute, and has won awards for his environmental work from the California League of Conservation Voters, NRDC, and Heal the Bay.
Ed currently lives near Los Angeles in a LEED Platinum home, rides his bike, and takes public transportation.
Ed Begley, Jr.
Ed shared stories about his early adoption of electric cars, his time making reality tv, how his father inspired his environmentalism, and much more.
You can stream a recording of this meeting here.
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